Saturday, December 6, 2008

Decisions & Consequences

For the second time this week (the first being last Sunday), I've been confronted with the consequences of some decisions I made earlier this year. When I made the decisions, I knew there would be consequences. I felt bad for the decisions I made and wished I hadn't made them. Several times since then have I been reminded of said decisions and my regrets for having made them. However, it wasn't until this week that the full weight of my decisions hit me smack in the face. And I mean one of those stinging smacks that leaves a red mark and lingers. A smack so hard it hurt and immediately caused tears to well up in my eyes.

It happened so suddenly. I didn't expect in the middle of a conversation with a perfect stranger to be reminded of my negative choices and the fact that these choices are still hindering me now. I was reminded that although we may make a choice, we may NOT choose the consequence. There was a consequence assigned to that choice long before the choice was made. As Newton said, "To every action there is an opposite and equal reaction." Although Newton was talking about the Laws of Motion when he said that, I believe that also applies to our choices. There are consequences for our actions. Some call it karma. Others call it God's laws. No matter what you call it, we all must succumb to the consequences of the choices we make.

I apologize for being so cryptic. I'm purposely being ambiguous because I really don't want to delve into my decisions. I do, however, want to remind you to make sure you think about your decisions before you make them. I know that because of this experience, I will definitely be more careful and deliberate in the choices I make in my life.

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