Monday, March 23, 2009

Power of Scriptural Knowledge

Ether chapter 12 is one of the most quoted chapters of the Book of Mormon. As I read through it, however, I recognized an aspect about that chapter I hadn't before.

The chapter begins with an account of Ether, a Jaredite prophet, who went forth preaching unto the Jaredite people of faith and hope. And "Ether did prophesy great and marvelous things unto the people, which they did not believe, because they saw them not" (Ether 12:5). Moroni then pauses the record of Ether to recount the wonders and marvels Heavenly Father has done by faith. In his account, Moroni includes references to a wide array of scriptures not only from the Book of Mormon, but from The Bible also.

As I read through this chapter, I not only felt of Moroni's admonition for us to have faith, but I also felt the power of scriptural knowledge. Because Moroni knew the scriptures well, he was able to use them to share his testimony and admonish others to do so. He recalled specific stories and was able to use them as faith-inspiring examples.

We can learn a lot from Moroni, whose love and knowledge of the scriptures is evident. He not only abridged the scriptures, he studied them and understood them. Because of that, his words are able to bless our lives today. His example exhibits true faith and power.

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