Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Tools to Improve

Heavenly Father has provided a plan for us to come down to earth, live for a short time, experience life, be tested, (hopefully) make righteous choices, and return back to Him. Yes, it's true that while we're here, we don't remember anything about the time before this life. But, He has provided some wonderful tools to assist us in improving ourselves while we're here. Sadly, we don't always use the tools and knowledge we have been given to assist ourselves.

The situation with the Nephites in Moroni chapter 5 reminded me of this conundrum. Why is it that we complain about our situation, yet don't use the tools available to us in order to change our situation? The Nephites are awaiting further battle with the Lamanites. They know that they're outnumbered. They know that they are most likely going to die. They've been told what they need to do in order to win the battle and survive, yet they don't do it. "... for they repented not of their iniquities, but did struggle for their lives without calling upon that Being who created them" (Mormon 5:2). All they had to do was turn towards God and change their ways. These Nephites were aware of the prophecies and what it took to improve themselves and their situation. But they struggled and died because they didn't use those tools.

How often do we want to change things and seek to improve our own situation without calling on Heavenly Father to do so? How often are we unwilling to repent and change our ways, yet if we did so, we know we'd be happier and more at peace? I know that I complain about situations in my life that only I am in control of. If I changed myself, my life would be better. I'd have more peace and those around me would too. So, why don't I change? I know I do change, albeit VERY SLOWLY. I could improve myself faster if I stopped being lazy and took the time to do so. Change certainly is not easy, especially when we're dealing with our own issues that have been around for years. But positive change is possible. I know that I need to get up off my lazy butt to make it happen! I am the only one who can improve my life. I may not be able to change my situation, but as Viktor Frankl said, "When we cannot change a situation... we are challenged to change ourselves."

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