Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Seeking for Understanding Breaks Down Walls

Alma, the younger did not live a perfect life. In fact, he was one of the vilest of sinners before he found God. In his younger years, he and his friends purposefully tried to lead people away from the Church of Christ. It took an angel to wake him up to God's reality and to how Alma had been wasting away his life.

This tells me a few things about God and a few things about Alma. First of all, it shows to me the power of God's love. Heavenly Father loves us so much. Even when we are making foul choices, He still wants to help us. He still cares for us and wants to provide us with His spirit. He knows it's not too late for us to change and improve ourselves. It's lake Elder Uchtdorf's talk "The Point of Safe Return." There is no point of no return. God anxiously awaits the day He can have us in His arms. He longs to comfort us and to be there for us, but we must open the door and turn to Him. We can repent, we can change, we can improve. We have to make the choice so to do. Alma is proof of these statements.

I truly feel that Alma is a better missionary and friend because of his harried past. He is a good missionary because he has experienced sin. He understands what it takes to repent and change, and because of that, he is not judgmental. Because of his experience, he didn't judge Zeezrom. Instead, he saw Zeerom's potential of gospel growth and taught him the gospel. Zeezrom then became a missionary himself. We can all learn a lesson from this story.

Now, I am by no means encouraging sinning in order to understand those around us. We will sin whether or not we try. I am, however, encouraging all of us to be better at understanding those around us. It feels good to be understood and loved. It feels good to know that you are not being judged by those around you. As we strive to truly understand our family, friends, spouses, neighbors, coworkers, we will know better how to serve and love them. Our lives will be happier and less contentious as will the lives of those around us. Seeking for TRUE understanding can break down walls and build bridges.

1 comment:

Karessie said...

thank you sarah. i needed to read this today :)