Wednesday, November 5, 2008

A Change of Heart = True Conversion

Whether you have been a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints your entire life, or whether you just became a member yesterday, each of us must go through a process of conversion in order to obtain a testimony.

While reading in Alma chapter 23 today about the conversion of the Lamanites by Alma and the sons of Mosiah, a verse stuck out to me that I'd like to share. Verse 5 says, "as many as the Lamanites as believed in their preaching, and were converted unto the Lord, never did fall away." The statement that the NEVER did fall away is a bold one. Many people in and out of our church have been converted to Christ. How many of those people have now fallen away from various Christian religions? How is it that some people can fall away from the teachings of Christ so easily while others persevere?

After considering this topic this morning, I know that there are a plethora of reasons why people fall away: family, disinterest in organized religion, the actions and choices of church members and leaders, disagreement on doctrine, to name a few. The list is seemingly endless. It's easy to give up one something rather than to try and understand it and to work through our faith. I think that we can all learn something from the Lamanites turned Christian. They had a true conversion, which I'm sure included prayer, searching, and seeking the confirmation of the Spirit to know that the teachings were true. I KNOW that their conversion included faith and withstanding trials. Do you think it was easy for them to make a choice to be put to death rather than to sin again? I don't think it was easy at all. But, they would rather DIE than to make their same mistakes again.

I want to learn from their example. I want to make sure that when I ask Heavenly Father for forgiveness that I also ask to have a true change of heart and courage to remain faithful even during times when it may not be easy so to do.


Unknown said...

Good Post. It is inevitable that every person will at some time have to evaluate the truthfulness of the teachings they received as a youth.

It is sad when people leave the LDS church. I don't want to imply that everyone who has left the church has done so because it was "easier." For many members, it is easier to stay than to leave.

Shane and Michelle said...

Great post Sarah. You are such a good example. I love how you are able to simplify the scriptures and apply it to life in a way that is understandable.

Anonymous said...

It took me a long time to really become converted to the Gospel. I was "born ad raised" but never really cared too much. I am very thankful that the Lord allows us 245th and 517th chances.